Conservation and News2019-03-18T10:20:06+02:00

Conservation and News

Botswana proposes hunting and trade as elephant population declines

The results of the recent and most extensive elephant population survey of Botswana estimates the country’s population at 126,000 elephants, a further decline from 131,600 reported in 2014. The report shows repeated evidence of significant increases in elephant poaching in four hotspots in Northern Botswana, which started a media storm last year. This report [...]

February 25th, 2019|Conservation and News|

WWF statement on China’s legalization of domestic trade in tiger bone and rhino horn

© Janissa Ng / WWF-Singapore BEIJING, China (29 October 2018) – WWF expresses its profound concern over China’s announcement today that it has legalized the use of tiger bone and rhino horn from captive bred animals by hospitals, and domestic trade in antique tiger and rhino products. WWF urgently calls on China to maintain the ban on [...]

November 8th, 2018|Conservation and News|

Botswana’s elephant poaching crisis under scrutiny

BY LOUISE DE WAAL  - 25 SEPTEMBER 2018.  Reports of elephant poaching in Botswana are under the spotlight with various claims in national and international media that the current adverse situation is driven by anti-poaching budget cuts, disarming of anti-poaching units, poachers being spoilt for choice with wildlife finding a safe-haven in the [...]

October 1st, 2018|Conservation and News|

Dodgy skeleton traders and lion slaughterhouses exposed in damning report

DON PINNOCK- 19 JULY 2018.  Photo: Nathan Rupert (Flickr) The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has increased South Africa’s lion bone export quota from 800 to 1,500 a year, despite being aware that some skeletons are being exported to known wildlife traffickers in Asia. It also thereby sanctions the existence of lion slaughterhouses. [...]

October 1st, 2018|Conservation and News|


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